What I Offer

Empowerment Mentoring
Uncover your hidden potential
The difference between average and exceptional is Mindset! What does it take to master your mind? Have you ever thought of what it would take to become World Famous? Have you stretched beyond your Comfort Zone only to be derailed by fear, anxiety and self-doubt? DO you want to discover how to create more Harmony in your life? You’re not alone! Empowerment Mentoring takes you through 12 key success principles that will help you find the success AND significance you are looking for in life. My program offers live teach calls and live Q&A calls each to help you along the journey. All of the calls are recorded so that you can listen or re-listen to them at your leisure as well. Start now to learn how to develop a winner’s mindset!

Tailored Coaching
Expert Guidance Made Specifically for You
What do all of the most successful people and greatest athletes have in common? They have had someone to help them see their blind spots. We all from time to time need someone to help us see what we cannot. Simply put “You cannot see the picture when you are in the frame”!
A coach helps us see what we cannot see, think into what it is that we truly want, design action steps for us to take, and act as our accountability partner. Tailored Coaching is based on your agenda and addresses any area of your life that you want to focus on. Our first coaching session is complimentary. Set up your first session now!

Key Note Presentation
The Path to Success
More than a speaker, Andrew is an agent of change! His content is both cutting edge and relevant and he leaves audiences filled with value and wanting more. Everyone will leave his presentation with something to imediately apply. Andrew connects with audience in a way few can, empowering his message to be embraced evey time. He is certified in the John Maxwell Methodology enabling him to weave character building into every presentation he gives